Thursday 20 August 2009

What to look out for when you buy 0845 numbers.

All too often individuals look for the best of the cheapest deal on 0845 Numbers, only to find that the cheapest was not necessarily the best.

In this article we aim to assist in providing some helpful hints in what to look for in an 0845 number to achieve the best deal.

Most providers look to charge a connection fee and ongoing monthly rental. This seems like industry norm but clearly if it is totally free then there is a good reason for this. Caveat Emptor (Buyer beware), as often the devil is in the detail.

Free means that it’s possible that you may be asked for a lot of money to move the number to a new location. If your business moves premises then you will need to plan early for the 0845 Numbers as part of your project management plan as it can take up to 10 working days for some providers to action your request which may mean you will loose connectivity if the 0845 number is one you rely on.

Are you receiving a rebate on your 0845 Numbers? Most providers will offer some form of rebate, albeit a low one, but only when the number of minutes exceeds a certain threshold, which varies from provider to provider. If you do not see this; ask for it, it’s definitely there.

Do you have a self service portal? This means you can move your own numbers instantaneously without involving the provider, who may or may not have gone bust. This is good for business continuity planning, especially if you are a plc. As they have a duty of care to the shareholders to provide a business continuity plan for telecoms.

Do you receive statistics on your existing 0845 Numbers. Number of calls answered to the number unanswered and what duration of the call.

Can your provider present you with a detailed summary of where the call originates from in terms of both geography and also Caller Line I.D. This is important for marketing purposes when planning where budgets are to be allocated in terms of marketing expenditure.

How quickly can your provider set the numbers up. If you have an important advertising deadline, ask the provider how long it takes to set the numbers up from receipt of a valid purchase order. Often this can be up to 3 working days and if that important deadline is not met for a campaign what impact will this have on your organisation.

It is worth asking to see a set of terms and conditions of contract before you place your order as the company may not advertise this on their web-site. Do they have a secure internet portal and does it provide the after sales back up that you require from a telecoms company.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask these questions before you place your 0845 numbers order.

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