Wednesday 22 July 2009

070 Premium Rate Numbers from overseas diallers

Have you have seen a 07 number on your mobile missed calls list resembling a mobile phone number? The likelihood is that you missed the call and you tried calling it back. Well this was deliberate. These numbers are actually classified


Well, this return telephone call will cost you upwards of £4.95/min, but perhaps like many people you didn't anaylse your entire bill from the mobile provider and it got missed and the mobile operators are not responsible for the numbers you dial. Of the £4.95/min the user of the number might claim 70% back from the provider and get this automatically credited to their account once a month - not bad when you consider that it costs next to nothing to set up and they dial 1,000s of mobile numbers


We have a sure fire way of remclaiming these monies back all we need is the number
of the missed call, your mobile number and the address to send the cheque to - dont delay - look over your last 6 months itemised bills and contact us with the details. We claim the money and then detract 35% of anything we get back.

Check back for some more money reclaming opportunities.


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Blogger Noel said...

A reply to my letter for compensation ....


Please accept my apologies for the delay in replying to you.

We have been waiting to receive copy of the letter by post, as we could
not read the attachment. We have not received any document so far,
however, we have already started an internal investigation regarding the
calls you have received. Regardless of the result of the investigation
you will receive full refund from us, which has already been raised for

In order to pay the refund we need confirmation of your details and the
cost of calls, and hence you need to forward to us an itemised copy of
your phone bill, including the page with you name and address details,
as we can make the cheque payable to the bill payer only. You can send
the details to us by e-mail, fax or post.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly

29 July 2009 at 11:12  

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